Ever wished you could quit that day job, leave it all behind and hit the road?
Ever wondered what it would be like to live, work and travel while discovering a country, a continent and its people?
OOAworld Travel Journeys Around the World
Welcome to OOAworld, featuring creative and multimedia content from Ooa Revo’s long form continental journeys around the world. These include the year-long USA Road Trip where it all began, an equally lengthy Journey through Asia, an equivalent Journey through South America, and other long-form travels through Europe, Africa, Oceania and the Middle East.
OOAworld Creative Media and Storytelling
The creative works that resulted including photos, film, videos, writing, art, and more can be browsed here on OOAworld, and each journey can be followed chronologically.
OOAworld Travels and Travel Tips By Country
The OOAworld Travel section by Rolling Coconut features travel guides, travel tips, reviews, itineraries and more practical travel information in addition to the OOA journeys and creative media. All Travel content and stories can also be browsed by country.
The OOAworld Creative Works
The aims are, on paper, relatively simple: promote open exchange of ideas between people of all tides, as well as tolerance and peaceful thinking.
There are several main background projects which have accompanied the creation of OOAworld and its artistic content.
OOAworld Movie: “What’s Your Philosophy of Life”
One is a film / documentary featuring interviews of the very different people met along the way, asking them one common question: “What’s your philosophy of life?” (Watch the unofficial ooAmerica trailer below), as well as to “Tales of Strangers,” asking people to share a story of their choice.
OOAworld Creative Works: Novels, Photo Books, Short Films, Photo-Montages
The other main background projects include written novels and photo-books from the travels, short films and other artwork, as well as a series of large photo-montages.
I hope to eventually post more about the photographic approach, and, more generally speaking, the approach to these journeys.

OOAworld.com initially debuted as the ooamerica blog, a lot of road has been covered since!
The site’s content can be browsed by following each OOA continental journey or by browsing the different media above.
The OOAworld Travel section can be used to browse all stories by country. It includes travel tips, reviews and itineraries by Rolling Coconut in addition to creative media by Ooa Revo.
Readers and friends are welcome to contribute in any way and by connecting on Facebook, Instagram, subscribing on YouTube and Twitter. Fellow travelers, bloggers and media can help share and spread the word.
Want to learn more about OOAworld? Check out the FAQ page and About Us and stay in touch by subscribing to our updates, or learn about our other activities from our VR/AR/XR production studios (augmented reality, mixed reality virtual reality and 360 video).
Thanks for your support!
Start with ooAmerica, a 25,000 mile USA Road Trip across the United States. Launch into ooAsia, a year-long journey across all of Asia. Or browse stories by types of media and travel destinations.
Thank you for dropping by my blog and following. I plan to travel around the US as much as I can this year and your road-trip map is a true inspiration. happy travels and good luck!
Welcome aboard; good to meet you. Great trip, excellent record of it.
All the best for the next one.
Miles and Pippa
Thank you for following and for liking my poetry attempt. It’s great that you’re doing this and I can’t wait to hear more about it.
Thanks! All poetry is an attempt 🙂 more coming soon.
Very interesting project – looking forward to following it.
Thanks! Cheers,
Nice work – looking forward to following this.
Hey thanks for the follow. Your project looks great. I always love to hear what other people think, what their “philosophy of life” is. At the very least it is interesting to know that most people have one, and don’t mind sharing it.
Hey, thanks! I was also pleasantly surprised to hear that most people had something to say about this, even when asked on the spot. Maybe this could lead to other projects… Stay tuned for the rest of the road 🙂
Looks awesome. Great idea.
Thank you. There’s more coming.
Thanks for the follow. Love love love the trailer, really fascinating!!
Thanks! Hope to share more stories soon!
Wow! I’m glad we found each other, and really look forward to hearing about your adventure and insights! Good for you!
Hi Catherine, nice to meet you and thanks for the enthusiasm! I hope to be back on the road and posting soon.
thanks for the follow! This is one cool blog! I really enjoyed the trailer! (can’t believe you cut your own hair)
Hi, thanks! Been buzzing my hair since 7th grade, but never had it been that long 🙂 Hope you follow the rest of the road.
Great idea for a grand adventure, my friend! I’ll enjoy looking through your intriguing travels and all of the people you’ve met along the way.
Hi Kathryn, thank you. Will be more people soon… Cheers,
Hello… thank you for the follow.
Actually I can’t speak English very well, but I hope I can learn more about English in your blog.
I like your blog.
Hi Lia, thank you for your support. I would be happy is this can help you to learn English, your comments are welcome!
Thanks a lot for stopping by and following my blog! You have an amazing blog, absolutely loved your project!!! 🙂
Thanks! Will be sharing more stories soon.
Thank you for visiting my blog and following it. Best of luck on your next phase of production and post!
Thanks and you’re welcome, like the spirit. Will be sharing more in the next ‘phase’. 🙂
Thanks for the follow! I love your blog and your project. Best of luck, I have shared your blog on my FB page so other people can check it out:-)
Great, thanks a lot! 🙂
You are officially announced throughout my enitre network. Love what your doing. I also have a Panoramio account.
Hi, thanks! Hope to hear more from you.
Great stuff! ….
Thanks! stay tuned..
Thanks for following my simple blog. I am glad I discovered yours – interesting road trip – will have to keep up with you.
What matter is not the blog but the thought 🙂 thanks for following, will be sharing more soon.
What an awesome production idea! Your road trip sounds interesting and sounds like you had a blast. Yes, there are many times I wish I could just get an RV and travel for a while….it would be lovely to see more of the world and get a change of scenery and atmosphere for my writings and poetry. I also am an artifact hunter and I would love to visit a lot of the fire opal mines, diamond mines and many of the fertile arrowhead hunting grounds around the nation….maybe someday, eh? It would be a beautiful dream! Best wishes to you with your dreams….look forward to hearing more about them.
all the best
Thank you much for the follow on my site! 🙂
Hi Celeste, thanks for your comment and wishes, I hope you do get the opportunity to get a change of scenery / fulfill that dream, both for your writings and artifact hunting (met someone during the trip who had quite a collection). Will be sharing more stories soon.
us of a road trip is on my bucket list 😉 hope i get to do it one day. all the best
Hi, thanks! Will be on the road again soon. Best wishes for the bucket!
Thanks for adding me. I could really get behind a roadtrip right now, just for a month or so.
You’re welcome. More soon.
Thanks for following 🙂
Wow! I am so impressed with your project to travel through every state and learn about the philosophies of life of those you meet. Fascinating! I love your photo slideshow, sketches, and trailer. I look forward to hearing more about your travels and people’s philosophies – and eventually seeing your documentary. Great blog! And thank you for following “Educating Lotus.” Peace.
Hello, thank you very much! Will soon be sharing more of the documentary as it is being made. Peace.
thanks for the follow! as an aspiring writer I wish can just go out there and travel and back pack anywhere, I will when I get my own clunky car.
Good luck on your project!
Hi! Hope you’ll share the stories when you get the clunker! thanks and stay tuned for the rest..
Awesome! Can’t wait to see the DVD! I have dreamed of traveling but never really have and I love getting nto the hearts and souls of PEOPLE!
Hello! Thanks a lot, hope to share more stories with the people I meet during the second road trip.
Thank you for the follow and your gift to the world. Sharing your exploration fulfills a void in the majority of the audience you have attracted to your experiences.
Thanks for your comment. I don’t know if it’s a ‘void'(?) but I’m happy to share these travel stories 🙂
Here’s a quote from another great traveler: “The aim of a dervish was to become a ‘dead man walking’: one whose body stays alive on the earth yet whose soul is already in Heaven… towards the end of his journey, the dervish become the Way not the wayfarer, i.e. a place over which something is passing, not a traveler following his own free will.”
Bruce Chatwin, The Songlines
Become the Way, rather than the Traveler. Bon Voyage!
Hi Marie! Merci, and thanks for your insightful comment (and thank you to Bruce Chatwin). I will keep this in mind as the road unfurls.
I’m so glad you came across my site, which gave me a chance to look at your work. This is a great idea! It’s always cool to meet another inspired artist! – Christopher Shoup, Bradley, Illinois
Hi Chris, glad we get a chance to share, there’s more road ahead. Thanks!
Thanks for following. Looking forward to reading your stuff too!
Likewise, thanks!
Thanks and simply charming! 🙂
Thank you Sunshine! 🙂 Hope you’ll follow the upcoming trip.
Thanks foor the follow. Your blog is amazing. You are getting an education that money can’t buy!
Hey, I forget, what’s that other thing money can’t buy? 🙂 Thanks a lot!
Thanks for following!!!! You are actually living out my dream…..
Happy Travels Mate 🙂
Thanks Mate! 🙂
What a great project! So glad I had a chance to stop by your blog. Thanks for the follow! 🙂
..And I love your blog name. Made me laugh 🙂
Hi Suzanne, thanks 🙂 Hope you follow the rest of the road.
Thanks for the follow!
What a great blog! I will link to it in mine!
Wow, What a life!!!! :)… I’m sorta jealous 😉
Thank you for following me… doing the very same! 🙂
Hello, thank you for following :). Happy to share.
A double awesome for you…
Thanks for stopping by the Lens too.
Thanks for the double :). Cool site!
Your opening with the MM statue and all the other scenes was absolutely terrific! You caught my attention on the first bounce. Have fun travelling. Be careful. Enjoy.
Hi Waldo, thanks for your enthusiasm and wishes, looking forward to share more soon.
Thanks for the follow. I’d love to know what the attraction was! With a slow analogue dial-up all the graphics chew into my allotted time frame.
Hi, thanks for your support. Hope you can do something about that internet connection 🙂
Your project is just amazing!
I respect your courage because leave allthing and go on the road is not so simple.
I wish you meet wonderful person during your trip, and I sure it was.
I’m really glad you chose to follow because it makes me learn about your project wich is great!
Thanks you! I will look for your next step!
Hi Svetlana, thank you very much! It was not an easy decision, many things have to be taken into consideration… but I don’t regret it! Thanks and will be sharing more stories soon.
Thanks for the follow and checking out my blog. Awesome project, looking forward to the updates.
You’re welcome, and thanks for checking this out! More road coming up soon. Cheers!
Thank you so much for following my blog and bringing yourself into my awareness. Your preview moved me to tears! So great you are expressing your Self by your travels and connections and art. Beautiful & cheers!!!
Hi, thank you very much, this is the most moving reaction I’ve heard :). very happy that the idea struck a chord with your understanding. Hope to keep in touch, will be back on the road soon. Cheers!
What an exciting project/adventure! Thank you for following (the) happy spaces project.
I thought of you when this post got posted to (the) happy spaces project, http://happyspacesproject.wordpress.com/2012/01/28/van-usa/, I hope you will contribute an image and description to the project, perhaps you would like to do an interview as well, let me know, happyspacesproject@gmail.com
All the best,
Hi Caseysimone, thanks for checking out ooamerica! I’ve visited the project’s page, it sounds very interesting and complex, would have to give the issue some thought – will try get to this soon please send me a reminder if I lag! 🙂
Thanks for the follow. Interesting idea you have here.
Hi and thanks! Will be posting more soon.
Cool idea. Thanks for the follow. I can’t (but will) wait for the documentary. Feel free to drop a line anytime and link on twitter. As Bono once said “I will follow”.
Thanks! Will be posting more about the documentary as it is being made (second road-trip). Haven’t kept up on Twitter lately but hope to get to it soon, feel free to message me.
Your project looks so exciting, would love to visit all those places one day! Really enjoyed the trailer and looking forward to following your future travels.
Thanks for following us at Group by Group. Our life is very different from yours but exciting in its own way and like you, we truly love what we do.
Hi, thanks for your support and hope to keep in touch! ‘Love what you do and you will work not a day in your life’ ~ Confucius ?
Hi, ooa, and welcome to my blog. I’m very glad you decided to come along! If you’d like, please find my Friends page and introduce yourself. Please be sure to include your URL, and anything else you’d like my other readers to know. I’m glad you’ve signed on, and I can’t wait to follow your journey!
Hi, thank you! Will be following your stories – will connect on Facebook, would be helpful if you did too! 🙂 More road coming soon.
Wow! I love your road trip – I am a huge fan of road trips, having grown up driving thousands of kilometres all over rural Australia with my dad, who was a rural salesman. I now drag my kids to various places – last year we went to Broken Hill (2000km return, with only about 10 towns along the way); the year before to the Flinders Ranges – I just love driving through the Australian outback – mostly for its landscape and small towns, but also for its people – raw, frank and friendly. I did a great road trip in the USA when I was travelling in my 20’s – delivering ‘drive aways’ with one memorable one from NYC to Phoenix – what a terrific, iconic trip that was – and what a country of contrasts in the US – I was blown away. In fact, my ’50 words’ for America was about an incident in TIme Square the morning I was going to collect my drive away car from the agency! Thanks for following my 50 words blog as well – hope you enjoy it as much as I do yours!
Julie http://50wordsfor50countries.com
Hi Julie, thanks for your comment, love to hear those stories, will be following up! Really wish to discover Australia at some point… 🙂 Hope to share more soon.
Wow! This looks fantastic. I’d love to be able to do something like this myself, and look forward to seeing more of what you’ve done!
Hi Jamie, thank you! Will be sharing more and I hope you get out there soon! 🙂
I must say, I’m intrigued. You have new fan. Thanks for following, by the way 🙂
Thanks for the hodgepodge, and very nice to meet a new fan! 🙂
Am intrigued by your trip and film. Could not see your trailer as it is not allowed in Australia for some reason. I have passed on your request for editing help to my daughter who is just finishing a roadtrip film for a couple of Australian guys. She has made several films and may be interested.
I have signed up to be notified for next posts and am looking forward to them.
Hope you enjoy following my blog!
Hi, thank you so much for your support! I heard from Y. on Facebook and will get back to her shortly. This is great! Look forward to hearing more, and will be back on the road soon.