I am thoroughly enjoying your blog – there are excellent photos everywhere (although my faves are probably the monochrome images). Check out “The USA: landscapes and urban spaces” (Word Press) for some of my impressions of the USA. Best wishes, Phil.
Hi, I’m ooa revo. I like to create using different media including Film, Photos, Writing, Animation, Videos, Drawings, Painting, Poetry, newer media such as XR/AR/VR/360, and more! Many stories and work on OOAworld are inspired by world travels, as well as a Movie / Documentary asking people I met along the road: "What's your philosophy in life?" Follow the adventure on OOAworld and social media or by signing up to email updates!
Very interesting approach to capturing America. It’s late so I haven’t looked around too much, but I’ll be back. Keep up the awesome work!
Thanks for your support. More stories soon!
I am thoroughly enjoying your blog – there are excellent photos everywhere (although my faves are probably the monochrome images). Check out “The USA: landscapes and urban spaces” (Word Press) for some of my impressions of the USA. Best wishes, Phil.
Hi Phil, thanks and will check it out! I look forward to sharing more stories and photos. Best, ooa